New Arrivals
October is shaping up to be a month of new arrivals for us at Cromasaig 9. First, Graham finally managed to get his act together slightly and found a new platform for the online shop. So now we have a new and improved shop on the website, to which Eleanor has been transferring the books and other items. To celebrate this small achievement, if you place an order before the end of October you can enter the coupon code “arrival” for a 20% discount.
More significantly, the team at Cromasaig 9 are pleased to welcome our new Clerk of Works, Matilda Phillips. She has taken up the post after a lengthy recruitment process and is looking forward to whipping the current rather lacklustre workforce into shape over the coming months. The photo above shows her supervising the watering of the keder house.
Personally, I have my reservations. In my opinion, Miss Phillips appears to lack some of the experience and skills essential to the effective execution of such a responsible role. Like the ability to speak. Also, I am not convinced that she has the work ethic needed. In fact she seems to do more sleeping than working. I have done a bit of reading up on UK employment law, and was relieved to find that new employees have to complete a probationary period before getting full rights, so I reasoned that she could just be sacked if she doesn’t get up to speed pretty quick. However, I have been informed that in this case normal employment laws do not apply, and that it would be in my own best interests to make her feel welcome. Now, being a bear of only moderately little brain, I can see what side this particular slice of bread is buttered. I will befriend this small person and coach her in the subtle arts of conspiring against the management.
Down with the corporate machine!